56? NameToAddr worked Couldn't open MacTCP resource Domain Name resolver failed Timed out looking up address Couldn't get inet address Connection going down... Last ACK Connection Closing... Waiting to close FIN Wait 2 (close completed) FIN Wait 1 (close issued) Connection Established SYN sent SYN recived Listening Connection Closed mark Host Name: Reading service list... No services on Looking up Internet Address... Connection Terminating Unknown error The destination is dead This socket is in use Timeout Connection came halfway up and then failed Attempted to open stream twice TCP stream is not open No connection on this TCP stream The TCP stream already has an open connection TCPClose command was already issued Error while recieving Error while sending Could not open a connection Error while releasing stream Could not create a stream MacTCP driver could not be opened Error: Out of memory LIST .IPP Waiting to open Cannot do Paste Cannot exceed 32,000 characters Cannot create window Not enough memory to do Paste Cannot exceed 32,000 characters with Paste Cannot do Copy Cannot do Cut Not enough memory to do Cut [ Reconnect ] [ Abort ] ucsco.ucsc.edu